The Restorative Practices project is aimed at connecting like minded organizations focused on sustainability and bioart practices as a way to enhance better future transmission of knowledge and build new realities through this intersection.

Connecting Sustainability & Bioart

Our Goals

General common objectives:

  • Enhance and promote training and skills of creative professionals based in remote areas as a way to fix population, generate stable jobs and democratize the access to culture in remote areas.
  • Contribute to the formation of a culture of sustainability within the creative sectors and their practices.
  • Reinforce research and experimentation dynamics based on open source and open science from a Feminist perspective within rural contexts
  • Analyze and shape the terrain for network culture, aiming to establish a constant dialogue, building cooperative models as a result of symbiotic processes connecting rural systems within and beyond.

Shape Terrain

for network culture


in rural settings

contribute to developing a more sustainable environment by opening up practices based on a free culture frameworks

The Project

Recent transdisciplinary relationships between Art, Science and Technologies have led to the generation of hybrid contexts that not only have provided new conceptual and practical framework for artistic research, but have also led to paradigm shifts affecting other areas of knowledge/cultural areas.

With our Restorative Practices project we are  inviting creative audiences in the rural urban areas helping to solve real-world sustainability problems, contributing to sustainable changes in society to ensure that we will  engage students and creatives into our proposal to think together through BioArt practices.

We argue that to pursue actual changes that will help create a more just world, we need to think differently about ourselves, the world, and our connections within it, and apply that thinking to educational art practice and systems change. Not only emphasize systems-thinking and communities of practice perspectives, but apply the extra step taken by critical posthumanism which sees the organizational collective in terms of human and nonhuman groupings in which all elements share agency. This is why we think it is necessary to adopt posthumanist perspectives in which our practices as BioArt practitioners are inscribed.

Summarizing, Restorative Practices will join efforts for achieving these common goals and ensure better social collaborative networks and enhance capacities in order to shift the paradigm in these challenging times.

We consider that the new trans-disciplinary creative sectors in which we are entangled can have a huge and positive impact in the creation of this new paradigm that we call Restorative practices.

Our project will contribute to develop a more sustainable environment by opening up our practices based on a free culture framework, generating networks and interest around them, enabling a flow of exchange of innovation across creative sectors focusing on revaluation of rural contexts and its knowledge heritage.

With strong focus on ecology, feminist values, engagement with citizens (both physically and virtually through digital collaboration platform) project provides transnational infrastructure for: innovation and joined creations, co-production, cooperation, learning and connection, inclusion and appreciation of cultural and individual diversity, preservation of existing traditional local heritage and collaborative generation of new EU creative heritage that project seeks to incubate.